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Workshop Series on Advances on Scientific and Engineering Computing (III) -- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Interface Problems and Beyond

Numerical integrators for disordered nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation


Xiaofei Zhao , Wuhan University


06 Dec, 16:30 - 17:00


In this talk, we will present the numerical methods for integrating a cubic nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation with a spatial random potential. The model is known as the continuous disordered NLS. The presence of the random potential induces roughness to the equation and to the solution, which causes convergence order reduction for classical numerical methods. We shall introduce a low-regularity integrator, where we show how to integrate the potential term and the nonlinearity by losing two spatial derivatives. Numerical results will be presented to show the accuracy of LRI compared with classical methods under random/rough potentials from applications.