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Fluid Limits for Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann Equations with Boundary And Uncertainties


Ning Jiang , Wuhan University


18 Jan, 09:00 - 09:30


In this talk, we report some recent progress on the fluid limits for Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann (VPB) equations. The first is in the bounded domain, from renormalized solutions of VPB with Maxwell reflection boundary condition to incompressible Naver-Stokes-Poisson (NSP) equations. The fluid-kinetic boundary layers ploy a key role. This part is joint with Yi-long Luo and Linjie Xiong. The second is considering the VPB with uncertainties in initial data and collision kernels in classical regime. We justify the NSP limit with uncertainties employing the spectral analysis of linearized VPB operator. This part is a joint work with Xu Zhang.