Dan Hu (ºúµ¤)

Distinguished Research Fellow

Institute of Natural Sciences & 

Department of Mathematics

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

Office:   519 Pao Yue-Kong Library

Tel:        86-21-54747365

Email:    hudan80{At}sjtu{dot}edu{dot}cn


Home      Members      Publications      CV      Teaching


Postdoctoral fellow


Sanjay Kumar Upadhyay

Membrane-peptide interaction, since 2014.


Ph.D Students


Tao Du

Blood pulse wave and adaptation of blood vessel systems, since 2010.

Yukun Wang

Membrane dynamics and antimicrobial peptides, since 2010.


Huiyuan Zhang

Membrane dynamics and rare events, since 2012.

Bin Li

Elasticity optimization, Since 2012.


Yuankai Lu

Biological transport networks and angiogenesis, Since 2014.



Master students

Weixin Chen, Hongjiang Chu