Schrödingerization based Quantum Circuits for Maxwell's Equation with time-dependent source terms. Chuwen Ma, Shi Jin, Nana Liu, Kezhen Wang, Lei Zhang, submitted, 2024. Preprint. |
Convergence analysis of PM-BDF2 method for quasiperiodic parabolic equations. Kai Jiang, Meng Li, Juan Zhang, Lei Zhang, submitted, 2024. Preprint. |
Amplitude expansion phase field crystal (APFC) modeling based efficient dislocation simulations using Fourier pseudospectral method. Xinyi Wei, Yangshuai Wang, Kai Jiang, Lei Zhang, submitted, 2024. Preprint. |
An adaptive angular domain compression scheme for solving multiscale radiative transfer equation. Qinchen Song, Jingyi Fu, Min Tang, Lei Zhang, submitted, 2024. Preprint. |
Projection method for quasiperiodic elliptic equations and application to quasiperiodic homogenization. Kai Jiang, Meng Li, Juan Zhang, Lei Zhang, submitted, 2024. Preprint. |
Dilation theorem via Schrödingerisation, with applications to the quantum simulation of differential equations. Junpeng Hu, Shi Jin, Nana Liu, Lei Zhang, submitted, 2023. Preprint. |
MeshAC: A 3D mesh generation and adaptation package for multiscale coupling methods. Kejie Fu, Mingjie Liao, Yangshuai Wang, Jianjun Chen, Lei Zhang, Comput. Phys. Commun, accepted, 2025. Preprint, Code. |
Higher order far-field boundary conditions for crystalline defects. Julian Braun, Christoph Ortner, Yangshuai Wang, Lei Zhang, SIAM J. Num. Anal., accepted, 2025. Preprint. |
Dilated convolution neural operator for multiscale partial differential equations. Bo Xu, Xinliang Liu, Lei Zhang, J. Comput. Appl. Math, 461, 116408, 2025. Preprint. |
Quantum circuits for partial differential equations via Schrödingerisation. Junpeng Hu, Shi Jin, Nana Liu, Lei Zhang, Quantum, 8, 1563, 2024. Preprint, Code. |
A Comprehensive Deep Learning–Based Approach to Field Reconstruction in Reactor Cores. Bo Xu, Han Li, Lei Zhang, Helin Gong, Nucl. Sci. Eng., accepted, 2024. |
Enhancing accuracy in deep learning using random matrix theory. Leonid Berlyand, Etienne Sandier, Yitzchak Shmalo, Lei Zhang, J. Mach. Learn., 3(4), 347–412, 2024. Preprint, Code. |
Slip-discreteness-corrected strain gradient crystal plasticity (SDC-SGCP) theory. Ran Chen, Guisen Liu, Peidong Wu, Jian Wang, Lei Zhang, Yao Shen, Int. J. Plast., 180, 104054, 2024. |
DNA-SE: Towards deep neural-nets assisted semiparametric estimation. Qinshuo Liu, Zixin Wang, Xi-An Li, Xinyao Ji, Lei Zhang, Lin Liu, and Zhonghua Liu, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024. Preprint. |
A posteriori error estimate and adaptivity for QM/MM models of crystalline defects. Yangshuai Wang, James R. Kermode, Christoph Ortner, Lei Zhang, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 428, 117097, 2024. Preprint. |
Quantum algorithms for multiscale partial differential equations. Junpeng Hu, Shi Jin, Lei Zhang, Multiscale Model. Simul., 22(3), 1030-1067, 2024. Preprint. |
Mitigating spectral bias for the multiscale operator learning with hierarchical attention. Xinliang Liu, Bo Xu, Lei Zhang, J. Comput. Phys., 506, 112944, 2024. Preprint. |
Elastic far-field decay from dislocations in multilattices. Dereck Olson, Chirstoph Ortner, Yangshuai Wang, Lei Zhang, Multiscale Model. & Simul., 21(4), 1379-1409, 2023. Preprint. |
A fast front-tracking approach and its analysis for a temporal multiscale flow problem with a fractional-order boundary growth based non-Newtonian hydrodynamic model. Zhaoyang Wang, Ping Lin, Lei Zhang, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 45(5), B646-B672, 2023. Preprint. |
Subspace decomposition based DNN algorithm for elliptic-type multi-scale PDEs. Xi-An Li, Zhi-Qin John Xu, Lei Zhang, J. Comput. Phys., 488, 112242, 2023. Preprint. |
Adaptive multigrid strategy for large-scale molecular mechanics optimization. Mingjie Liao, Yangshuai Wang, Kejie Fu, Jianjun Chen, Lei Zhang, J. Comput. Phys., 485, 112113, 2023. Preprint. |
On multilevel Monte Carlo methods for deterministic and uncertain hyperbolic systems. Junpeng Hu, Shi Jin, Jinglai Li, Lei Zhang, submitted, 2022. J. Comput. Phys., 475, 111847, 2023. Preprint. |
Optimal control for multiscale PDEs with rough coefficients. Yanping Chen, Xinliang Liu, Lei Zhang, Jiaoyan Zeng, J. Comput. Math., 41, 842-866, 2023. Preprint. |
DeePN2: A deep learning-based non-Newtonian hydrodynamic model. Lidong Fang, Pei Ge, Lei Zhang, Huan Lei, Weinan E, J. Mach. Learn., 1, 114-140, 2022. Preprint. |
On the multiscale Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation: Two-scale convergence and stability analysis. Jingrun Chen, Rui Du, Zetao Ma, Zhiwei Sun, Lei Zhang, Multiscale Model. Simul., 20(2), 835-856, 2022. |
Generalized rough polyharmonic splines for multiscale PDEs with rough coefficients. Xinliang Liu, Lei Zhang, Shengxin Zhu, Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 14, 862-892, 2021. Preprint. |
Iterated numerical homogenization for multi-scale elliptic equations with monotone nonlinearity. Xinliang Liu, Eric Chung, Lei Zhang, Multiscale Model. Simul., 19(4), 1601–1632, 2021. Preprint. |
A posteriori error estimates for adaptive QM/MM coupling methods. Yangshuai Wang, Huajie Chen, Mingjie Liao, Christoph Ortner, Hao Wang, Lei Zhang, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 43(4), A2785–A2808, 2021. Preprint. |
Blended ghost force correction method for 3d crystalline defects. Lidong Fang, Lei Zhang, Commun. Comput. Phys., 29, 1246-1272, 2021. Preprint. |
A priori analysis of a higher order nonlinear elasticity model for an atomistic chain with periodic boundary condition. Yangshuai Wang, Hao Wang, Lei Zhang, IMA J. Num. Anal., 41(2), 1465-1495, 2021. Preprint. |
A DNN-based algorithm for multi-scale elliptic problems. Xi'an Li, Zhiqin John Xu, Lei Zhang, Commun. Comput. Phys., 1886-1906, special issue on "Machine learning for scientific computing", 2020. Preprint. |
Surface anchoring controls orientation of a microswimmer in nematic liquid crystal. Hai Chi, Mikhailo Potomkin, Lei Zhang, Igor Aronson, Leonid Berlyand, Commun. Phys., 3, Article 162, 2020. |
Energy minimization and preconditioning in the simulation of athermal granular materials in two dimensions. Haolei Wang, Lei Zhang, Electron. Res. Arch., 28(1), 405-421, 2020. Preprint. |
Surface, size and topological effects for some nematic equilibria on rectangular domains. Lidong Fang, Apala Majumdar, Lei Zhang, Math. Mech. Solid, 25(5), 1101-1123, 2020. Preprint. |
A posteriori error estimate and adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for atomistic/continuum coupling with finite range interactions in two dimensions. Mingjie Liao, Ping Lin, Lei Zhang, Commun. Comput. Phys., 27, 198-226, 2020. Preprint. |
Fast eigenpairs computation with operator adapted wavelets and hierarchical subspace correction. Hehu Xie, Lei Zhang, Houman Owhadi, SIAM J. Num. Anal. 57(6), 2519-2550, 2019. Preprint. |
Adaptive QM/MM coupling for crystalline defects. Huajie Chen, Mingjie Liao, Hao Wang, Yangshuai Wang, Lei Zhang, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 354, 351-368, 2019. Preprint. |
Optimizing parallel section length for small tensile specimen with fabrication non-uniformity in thickness. Haiting Liu, Ran Chen, Mao Wen, Lei Zhang, Yao Shen, Fusion Eng. Des., 147, 111244, 2019. Preprint. |
A posteriori error estimation and adaptive algorithm for the atomistic/continuum coupling in 2D. Hao Wang, Mingjie Liao, Ping Lin, Lei Zhang, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 40(4), A2087–A2119, 2018. Preprint. |
Experimental studies of vibrational modes in a two-dimensional amorphous solid. Ling Zhang, Jie Zheng, Yinqiao Wang, Lei Zhang, Zhaohui Jin, Liang Hong, Yujie Wang, Jie Zhang, Nature Commun., 8, Article 67, 2017. |
Gamblets for opening the complexity-bottleneck of implicit schemes for hyperbolic and parabolic ODEs/PDEs with rough coefficients. Houman Owhadi, Lei Zhang, J. Comput. Phys., 347, 99-128, 2017. Preprint. |
A comprehensive solution to miniaturized tensile testing: Specimen geometry optimization and extraction of constitutive behaviors using inverse FEM procedure. Haiting Liu, Yao Sheng, Shuang Yang, Pengfei Zheng, Lei Zhang, Fusion Eng. Des., 121, 188-197, 2017. |
Atomistic/continuum blending with ghost force correction. Christoph Ortner, Lei Zhang, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 38(1), A346-A375, 2016. Preprint. |
Effects of interface anisotropy and isotropic driving force on the growth of steady-state shape in phase-field modeling. Li Zhang, Yao Shen, Lei Zhang, et. al., Comput. Mat. Sci., 111, 313-321, 2016. |
On an evolution equation in a cell motility model. Matthew S. Mizuhara, Leonid Berlyand, Volodymyr Rybalko, Lei Zhang, Physica D: Nonlinear phenom., 318-319, 12-25, 2016. Preprint. |
Domain decomposition preconditioner using rough polyharmonic splines. Rui Du, Lei Zhang, Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. B, 36(5), 803-812, as Procccedings of the Shanghai Conference in honor of Professor Luc Tartar, 2015. |
Energy-based atomistic-to-continuum coupling without ghost forces. C. Ortner, L. Zhang , Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 279 (1), 29-45, 2014. Preprint. |
(In-)stability and stabilisation of QNL-Type atomistic-to-continuum coupling methods. C. Ortner, A. Shapeev, L. Zhang , Multiscale Model. Simul., 12 (3), 1258-1293, 2014. Preprint. |
Polyharmonic homogenization, rough polyharmonic splines and sparse super-localization. H. Owhadi, L. Zhang, L. Berlyand , ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. (M2AN), 48:2, 517-552, 2014. Preprint. |
Construction and sharp consistency estimates for atomistic/continuum coupling methods with general interfaces: a 2D model problem. C. Ortner, L. Zhang , SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Volume 50, Issue 6, pp. 2940-2965, 2012. Preprint. |
Localized bases for finite dimensional homogenization approximations with non-separated scales and high-contrast. H. Owhadi, L. Zhang , Multiscale Model. Simul., Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 1373-1398, 2011. Preprint. |
Global energy matching method for atomistic-to-continuum modeling of self-assembling biopolymer aggregates. L. Zhang, L. Berlyand, M. V. Fedorov, and H. Owhadi , Multiscale Model. Simul., Volume 8, Issue 5, pp. 1958-1980, 2010. Preprint. |
Numerical homogenization of the accoustic wave equation with a continuum scales. H. Owhadi, L. Zhang , Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., Volume 198, Issues 3-4, Pages 397-406, Dec 15 2008. Preprint. |
Homogenization of parabolic equations with a continuum space and time scales. H. Owhadi, L. Zhang , SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Volume 46, Issue 1, pp. 1-36, 2007. Preprint. Movies (YouTube): u in euclidean coordinates, u in caloric coordinates, gradient of u in Euclidean coordinates, gradient of u in caloric cooridinates, image of fine mesh in caloric coordinates. |
Metric based upscaling. H. Owhadi, L. Zhang , Commun. Pure Appl. Math., Vol. 60, Issue 5, p 675-723, 2007. Preprint. |
Ghost Fluid方法与双介质可压缩流动计算. 张镭,袁礼, 计算物理, 20, 6, 503-508, 2003. |
用改进的耦合型Level Set方法计算一维双介质可压缩流动. 张镭, 袁礼, 计算物理, 18, 6, 511-516, 2001. |
Xiaozhe Zheng, PhD, 2023-now. |
Tailong Jin, PhD, 2022-now. |
Xinyi Wei, PhD, 2021-now. |
Zetao Mao, PhD, 2021-now. |
Bo Xu, PhD, 2020-now. |
Qinchen Song, PhD, 2020-now. |
Junpeng Hu, PhD, 2020-now, co-supervised with Prof. Shi Jin. |
Mingjie Liao, Postdoc, 2019-2021, currently researcher at AsiaInfo Technologies Limited, Beijing. |
Xi'an Li, PhD, 2018-2022. |
Xingliang Liu, PhD, 2017-2021, postdoc at KAUST, Saudi Arabia, with Prof. Jinchao Xu. |
Yangshuai Wang, PhD, 2016-2021, postdoc at UBC, Canada, with Prof. Christoph Ortner. |
Peng Zhang, Postdoc (PhD Paris 12), 2015-2017, currently researcher at the Systems Engineering Research Institute, Beijing.. |
Lidong Fang, PhD, 2014-2020, postdoc at MSU, USA, with Prof. Huan Lei. |
Haolei Wang, PhD, 2013-2020, engineer at China Electronics Technology Group Corporation. |
International Workshop on Mathematical Theory, Methods and Application in Materials Simulation
at Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Apr 9-11, 2021
Multiscale Problems in Materials Science and Biology: Analysis and Computation
at Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF),
Jan 8-12, 2018
Short Course on Tensor Numerical Methods for Multidimensional PDEs, Apr. 06 - Apr. 12, 2017. Lectures 7-9, Lectures 10-11, Lectures 12, Lectures 13-14, Lectures 15, Matlab Exercises.
Workshop on
Multiscale Modeling and Analysis in Materials Science
-- A Satellite Meeting of ICIAM 2015,
Aug 6-8, 2015
Workshop on
Multiscale Problems from Physics, Biology and Materials Science,
May 28-31, 2014
Workshop on Multiscale
Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science, Apr 21-23, 2013
NSFC grant 12271360, PI, 2023-2026. |
Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, PI, 2022-2025. |
Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, co-PI, 2021-2023. |
NSFC-DFG joint grant 11861131004, co-PI, 2019-2021. |
NSFC grant 11871339, PI, 2019-2022. |
NSFC grant 11571314, co-PI, 2016-2019. |
Intel Higher Education research fund, PI, 2015-2016. |
NSFC grant 11471214 (Construction, Analysis and Applications of Two Classes of Typical Multiscale Methods), PI, 2015-2018. |
Research Facilitation. |