
Spring 2017: Numerical Methods for Differential Equations

Class Information:
Office Hour: by appointment
Office Location: 624 Pao Yue-Kong Library
email: lzhang2012 AT sjtu

TA Office Hour:
TA Office Location: Graduate office, 5th floor Pao Yue-Kong Library
email: ldfang.sjtu AT gmail.com

Homework online: Thursday in odd weeks
Homework due: Next Thursday in odd weeks in class

Quiz: %10
Project: %20
Final: %60

Homework: (available before the separator ||)
Homework 1, Homework 2, Homework 3, Homework 4, Homework 5, Homework 6, ||Homework 7, Homework 8,


Example Code in Julia:
Forward Euler: euler_forward.jl.
Backward Euler: euler_backward.jl, newton4euler.jl.
Stability Region for RK methods: stabilityregion.jl.
Stiff ODE: stiffode.jl.
Example Code for Linear Advection Equation:
Example Code for Burgers Equation:

Project Topics:
1. The (unfinished) PDE Coffee Table Book by Lloyd N. Trefethen and Kristine Embree
2. MIT Open Course, Mathematical Methods for Engineers II by Gilbert Strang
3. Your research topic

ODE and PDE:
A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations by Arieh Iserles

Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by Randy LeVeque
ODE only:
Endre Suli's notes by Endre Suli
For Geometric Integrator:
Hairer's lectures on geometric integration: http://www.unige.ch/~hairer/poly_geoint/week1.pdf, http://www.unige.ch/~hairer/poly_geoint/week2.pdf
Vilmart's animation: http://www.unige.ch/~vilmart/java.html
For Conservation Laws:
Chi-Wang Shu's lectures on Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: https://mathema.tician.de/dl/academic/notes/257/257.pdf

Spring 2017: Numerical Methods for PDEs (math graduates)

Class Information:
Office Hour: by appointment
Office Location: 624 Pao Yue-Kong Library
email: lzhang2012 AT sjtu

TA Office Hour:
TA Office Location: 502 Pao Yue-Kong Library

Homework out: Monday
Homework due: Following Monday

Quiz: %10
Project: %20
Final: %60

Lecture Notes:

Homework: (available before the separator ||)
Homework 1, Homework 2, Homework 3, Homework 4, Homework 5, Homework 6, Homework 7, Homework 8,
Homework Solution:
Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3, Solution 4,
Quiz, Solution of Quiz,


Example Code:
5-point finite difference: Laplacian.ipynb (run in Jupyter Notebook).


Finite Elements: Theory, Fast Solvers, and Applications in Solid Mechanics 3rd Edition by Dietrich Braess
有限元方法的数学基础, 王烈衡, 许学军, 科学出版社
The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods (Texts in Applied Mathematics) by Susanne Brenner and Ridgway Scott

Using Julia:
Julia official website: docs, examples, downloads, ...
Install Julia: Look at the part "Installing Julia and IJulia"
Juno: the interactive development environment for Julia
Numeric matrix manipulation: The cheat sheet for MATLAB, Python NumPy, R, and Julia
Noteworthy differences from MATLAB

Using GSL Library
GNU Scientific Library:
GSL is written for Linux, 5 Ways to Run Linux Software on Windows, ortherwise, maybe you can figure out how to use GSL for Windows
 How to compile & execute C programs under Linux (Absolute basics)
How to Debug C Program using gdb in 6 Simple Steps
Debugging Memory Problems with Valgrind (Advanced)
Unix tutorial for beginners